Embellished Canvas Prints

Embellished canvases inspired by a selection of my favorite artworks!   Each individual giclée print on archival canvas is hand-painted with acrylics to accentuate the details of the piece and give it the look and feel of an original painting.  These pieces will have slight variations with impasto brushstrokes, as each one is uniquely hand-embellished.  

FRAMED Canvas - I select frames specially suited for each micro-edition of embellished prints.  These limited runs may not be created again in the same format and framing.

FRAMELESS Canvas - I hand-stretch each canvas in gallery-wrap format and finish the sides in satin black for a sleek look that can coordinate with many styles of decor.  These arrive ready to hang, and multiple coordinating canvases can be arranged in a grouping.  

** New art added Saturdays at noon CST 

** Art ships on Tuesdays FREE within the USA

For more details and shipping info, see the Art Information Page