Meet the Flock

Here are a few of our colorful characters.  While we love and appreciate everyone in the flock, there are a few ambassadors we'd like you to meet!  (Please note that none of these birds are looking for a home - they are permanent residents of the sanctuary.) We'll be adding more photos and stories...


Emmy Loo Coo is the best art studio assistant.  Emmy was raised from a hatchling by a wildlife rehabber and joined our dove flock.  She is curious and good-natured.  Wasn't she the cutest baby?

Fenimore is our medical marvel.  She arrived as a squab, abandoned on a sidewalk after a poultry show.  Over the next few months she remained overweight and failed to develop adult characteristics (pigeons usually grow up very fast).  Dr Nic and the vet team at OSU were finally able, after many tests, to diagnose her as the first pigeon in medical literature presenting with primary hypothyroidism.  She requires a daily (apple-banana flavored) medicine for life, but is otherwise a healthy, sassy pigeon.

Reese is the sweetest, cutest, cuddliest pigeon girl.  She likes to sit in her collection of fancy donuts, which are comfortable for her wonky leg.  When not nest-sitting, she can always be found nearby, ready to snuggle, watch movies, help fold laundry, or forage for treats.


Aloysius "Squish" is a very special boy.  He defends several territories in the house, and has a bell toy he rings in the morning if breakfast hasn't come yet.  He loves his plush house and evening flock time.


Wyatt was our resident grump.  He was a wild pigeon who lost part of a wing, was saved by a wildlife rescue, and transferred here.  He suffered sudden paralysis and fought through persistent digestive issues, then lived for years indoors.  Despite a funny walk and scaring us with his habit of lounging sprawled upside-down, Wyatt always persevered.  He wanted things to be just so, and grumbled if you fall short of his expectations.  His favorite treat, organic raw unsalted sunflower hearts, is a staple for the indoor flock.  Wyatt passed away in Dec 2021, and is greatly missed.

Trevor was one of the first doves ever to land at Olive's Place.  We watched him hatch out of his egg, which was brought here when the nest was destroyed by tree trimming.  He and his sister Olive inspired the creation of the sanctuary.

Really Old Tom "Valentine" was found outdoors on Valentine's Day 1993, and retired to Olive's Place when his person was no longer able to care for him.  He lived a luxurious life of soft beds, baths, sunshine, and plenty of treats in his golden years.  We estimate that he was probably around 30.