About Us

Olive's Place Dove & Pigeon Sanctuary Inc is a 501c3 nonprofit near Tulsa, Oklahoma.   


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/olivesplacesanctuary/

Instagram: @olives_place

Email:  canvasdove@gmail.com - Please read the remainder of this page for answers before contacting about a bird issue!  Our information pages cover the majority of questions people ask, and this page contains links to direct you to all topics the website covers. 

Current Status 

Olive's Place is closed to new intakes - with very rare exceptions for elderly/disabled doves and pigeons.  Limits are in place to ensure that all birds at the sanctuary always receive high quality care.   

I found a bird. What do I do?

Visit the Bird Help Basics page for information about common situations doves and pigeons are found in, and how to locate help in your area.  Please do not contact us to ask about other resources - we do not maintain a list.

To find expert help in your area, you can contact animal control, your game warden, and local vet offices for a referral.  Your state may also have an online registry of wildlife rehabbers.  Local pet groups may be able to suggest pigeon- and dove-friendly vets or rescues.  Pigeon-specific Facebook groups can suggest networking options. Please do ask questions and verify what will happen to birds you drop off with rehabbers, veterinarians, or organizations - pigeons especially are often euthanized as they are not native species, and many shelters are not equipped or trained to accommodate birds.  


Sanctuary Information

Pet Care Guides: DOVES /// PIGEONS 


If you want to include Olive's Place in your estate planning to pre-arrange placement for your pet doves/pigeons, contact us to inquire about future space - we have limited capacity.  When requesting a surrender, send photos and list all information you have about the bird, including:  age, gender, health conditions, known history, etc.  When rehoming birds, please exercise due diligence to ask questions and thoroughly investigate potential placements.  We do not endorse or certify any homes or other rescues, and it is up to the owner to determine safe placement.

Unless you have an explicit written agreement otherwise with Olive's Place, placing birds into our care transfers responsibility and guardianship/ownership of the birds to Olive's Place.  We reserve the sole right to make all decisions for the health and safety of the birds, including but not limited to: housing, diet, vet care, and future transfers. 

What We Don't Do

Olive's Place is specialized ONLY for pigeons and domestic doves. We do not have the knowledge or resources to reply to messages about other animals.  We are unable to search for and catch birds, or transport from far away.  We do not remove "nuisance" animals.  We do not investigate cruelty and neglect situations.  We do not purchase, sell, ship, or breed birds.  Olive's Place is an independent entity and not affiliated formally with other organizations or individuals. We do not receive public funding, and are not employed by any agency.  We work solely on behalf of the birds we serve.


Sanctuary History

Founder/director Ashley has a life-long love for birds, and was enamored with street pigeons as a kid.   As an adult looking for a way to give back, she interned at Farm Sanctuary to learn about caring for birds in a sanctuary setting.  She then trained as a wildlife rehabilitator.  Pigeons and doves are often left out of shelters, farmed animal sanctuaries, and parrot-centered bird rescues - and they don't always get help via wildlife rehab.  These birds deserve resources, so Olive's Place was hatched!  The sanctuary, named in memory of a special dove, was founded in 2014 and became a 501c3 nonprofit in 2019.


Olive's Place was founded to give a chance at life to injured wild pigeons - providing a safe haven so that being disabled or un-releasable wouldn't be a death sentence.  Pigeons are descended from domesticated birds and thrive in captivity with an aviary flock environment if given ample space.  They are incredibly resilient and cope well with disabilities when provided modifications.  Every bird here is treated as an important individual, and receives personalized attention and a high standard of care.  While there are more birds in need than we have the capacity to take in, we have committed to offering the best quality of life possible, providing our flock with plenty of space, clean enclosures, good food, and medical care.  We will always help as many birds as we can, while maintaining sustainability.  A core element of the mission is also to inspire admiration for these birds and encourage micro-sanctuaries and rescuers to help doves and pigeons.

Can people visit the sanctuary?

Olive's Place is operated for the well-being of the birds who live here. As a sanctuary and private residence, it is not open to the public. 

How can someone help?

Donate directly -  paypal.me/olivesplacesanctuary

Learn more about what the sanctuary needs and view our How You Can Help page 

Buy Art / Help Birds - Shop the Online Gallery that helps support Olive's Place, and visit the Art Information page for further details about artwork.